Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general. -- Mark Rippetoe

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Another day, another injury

I'm profoundly frustrated right now. I'm sitting here with a cold that won't go away because I work too many hours to get a decent night's sleep, and I also have a strained bicep that has effectively paralyzed me when it comes to several of the fundamental movements that make up most of the workouts. Who knew the damned bicep would come into play so much in a workout philosophy that scoffs at the bicep curl?

The injury happened on Sunday, so I'll recap that day's workout below:

1/3/10 Workout

Warm up consisted of the usual jumping jacks, T push ups, butterfly sit ups, etc., and then we got into a few rounds of pull ups. Because butterfly pull ups are a skill I've been trying to develop, I did several of those. My right arm was particularly sore afterward, but I brushed it off.

Power Snatch 5-5-5+
67 - 78 - 88(5)

Form really deteriorated doing multiple reps at 88, so I stuck to 5.

RDL 3 sets of 5

Clean & Jerk Max in 4 min
120 x 5

The general "arm pain" that I had felt after the pull ups came right back with a vengeance on this. On my 2nd or 3rd rep on the c&j metcon, I started feeling a sharp pain when the bar came down onto my shoulders for the clean. I managed to get 5 reps in, but with a minute left, I attempted 2 more cleans that both resulted in "dead arm", and the bar crashed back down on a weight that I should have been good for at least 3-4 more reps on. The dead arm was also a bizarre feeling. My arm started bruising a bit, which indicated it was most likely a bicep strain.

This put one hell of a damper on the rest of the day, but Rudy worked with me to find substitute exercises. All I could keep thinking about was how much this stupid injury was going to impact all the goals I had set for myself, not the least of which was to get back into doing high rep pull ups.

83 x 5
83 x 10

Banded HSPUs (to get full ROM)
Green band
5 - 10 - 8 - 7

Ring Dips
3 - 2 - 1

Wall Ball (20# to red line)
5 - 5 - 5

KBS (55#)
5 - 5 - 15

It was helpful to train with the 20# med ball since I know it will make it easier when I'm using the women's rx'ed ball in future workouts.

Diet was decent on Sunday. Probably didn't eat enough, but what I ate was clean.

1/3/10 Diet

1 cherry pie Lara bar

Post-Workout Snack:
6 oz coconut water

Leftover chicken & avocado salad from Angels & Mariachis

Snacks During Football:
Split some zucchini bread with Dave
Cashews (handful)
4 pieces of dried mango

Shrimp, pepper, and tomatoes over quinoa
1/2 sweet potato (sliced into chips and baked with EVOO and cinnamon)
2 glasses of wine

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