Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general. -- Mark Rippetoe

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hotel Gym Workouts = Pure Exhibitionism

So, the entire first week at the London office involved work hours too long to get to the hotel gym before it closed, so I spent a few minutes each evening after dinner doing various basic moves to try to get some kind of workout.  I was also working another 3 hours back at my hotel each night, so sleep quality deteriorated massively.

In my hotel room, I did sets of sit ups, push ups, squats, and HSPUs onto a throw pillow.  I didn't dare try anything higher impact because the hotel we always stay in on these trips, while gorgeous, is over 100 years old and has lots of creaks.  I can't say my downstairs neighbors would have appreciated me doing burpees at 2:00 AM.

Finally got to the hotel gym for a workout on Saturday, which was crowded with people on the cardio machines as well as some painfully deluded dudes working on "full body curls" (bicep curls which involve lots of pelvic thrusting and back arching to get the weight up) in front of the mirror.  When I gravitate over to the weights, I always get a fair amount of looks because women working in the squat rack is apparently something that is just not *done* here in the UK.  Just wait til I started doing pull ups and burpees....

1/23/10 Workout

Press (kg): 15 x 10, 25 x 5, 30 x 5, 35 x 3, 35 x 3
Deadhang Pull Ups: 3-3-3-3-3
Clean (1x) & Push Jerks (kg): 35 x 5, 40 x 5, 45 x 5
Burpees: 10
Push Ups: 10

Did this in a circuit, so the pull ups, burpees, and push ups were thrown in between sets of the press and the jerk.

Then I ran up 5 flights of stairs from the gym to the hotel room to get ready for a fantastic 10 hours in the office.

London Week 1 Diet

I have maintained a lot of discipline here despite the lack of paleo-friendly food choices and the fact that every meal is prepared by someone else.  Breakfast at the Exec Lounge in the hotel typically consists of a piece of smoked salmon and a piece of cold turkey, a pinch of sunflower seeds, and a slice or two of whatever fruit was available.

Lunch is almost always a salad of some kind.  They use a lot of bitter greens in their salads in London, which I find awful, but my other choices are deep fried everything or meat pies drowning in gravy.  Yummm.

Snacks consist of fruit or these chili cashews from Pret, which are tasty but have a few too many ingredients to be considered truly paleo.  I'm definitely eating more fruit in London than recommended, but given the limited access to veggies other than on salads, I'm making do.

Dinner has actually been the easiest.  I usually just order a cut of meat and a salad.  I've been having wine with the meal, but after the days we work, it's necessary!  My work colleagues have been really supportive of the food choices, although I don't think any of them are going to give up bread any time soon.  Oh well, that means less for me to lust after, right?