Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general. -- Mark Rippetoe

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Newlyweds vs. The Velocity Diet: An Introduction

The Guinea Pigs: on our honeymoon in Barbados

So, Dave and I have decided to embark on the infamous Velocity Diet, which is essentially a 28 day all-liquid protein fast.  This was Dave's plan, and, being the supportive brand new wife that I am, I let him talk me into joining him.  Here goes nothing...

My diet breakdown is here:

The "Superfood" is comprised of a crapload of fruit and veggie extracts.

The "Flameout" supplement is fish oil.  The diet site also calls for a specific thermogenic (Hot Rox), but Dave and I are substituting Nitor for it.  We're also adding a fiber supplement.

We eat 6 liquid meals a day, with a post-workout drink on workout days.  Once a week, we get an "HSM" (healthy solid meal).  It's not a cheat, though.  The point of the diet--apart from being a brutal mental challenge--is to shed weight quickly but also to develop a different approach to eating.  What I've seen from people's logs and discussions is that post-dieters tend not to have as much of a sweet tooth and make healthier, cleaner food choices.  All of this sounds great to me.

So far, I'm midway through Day 2 and feeling good.  I haven't felt fatigued, and I haven't missed real food...yet.  Dave is convinced that I'll still make strength gains even on a strict diet like this since I'll be getting so much more protein than I usually do on a daily basis.

We'll see how the Sectionals Workout #3 feels tonight.  I felt good doing the strength work yesterday combined with the short (5 min) met con, so it will be interesting to see how the V-Diet affects me on a somewhat longer time domain.

Wish us luck!

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