Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general. -- Mark Rippetoe

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back At It

I know a lot of my CFC brethren stopped blogging after Sectionals, and I was one of them.  The primary reason was that I was so disappointed with my Sectionals performance that I wanted to distance myself from it for awhile.

Well, the CF 2010 Games are over, and it's time for a whole new year of training.  Maybe this time around I can spend some more time in the States so that I can stay healthy and hit up the box as often as I'd like!

I have met some goals in the past 6 months, so I'll recap them here:

Bench 1 RM: 150 lbs

Press 1 RM: 90 lbs

Note that this is not really a milestone, and I'm not HAPPY to only be pressing this weight.  Still, it's an improvement from being stuck at 85-87 for so long.

Squat 1 RM: 245 lbs

The most I've ever squatted was 275 lbs, but I weighed about 15 lbs more than I do right now, so I've had to accept the decrease in strength.

Strict Muscle Ups: I can get them one at a time, FINALLY!

Multiple Muscle Ups: By "multiple" I mean 2 with a kip.  Hey, progress is progress.


  1. Holy crap did you just really update your blog? I might have to put you back on the map!

  2. Hahahaha...yeah! I am going to chronicle how I progress with the Velocity Diet and how it impacts my health, fitness, appearance, etc.
