Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general. -- Mark Rippetoe

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Back From London and Back to Paleo!

So I got back from London last Friday after a grueling 3 week trip for work.  I was only able to get to a CrossFit (CrossFit Central London) twice -- the last Saturday and Sunday I was there.  Other than that, I stuck with the hotel gym, which was an LA Fitness.

The good part was that I was able to try a lot of new movements/skills on the two days I was able to train at CFCL.  We did sandbag carries with a sandbag weighing about 60 kg and then a metcon involving kettlebell snatches and supine ring rows, neither of which I've ever done in a WOD.  It's a little surprising that 2 years into CrossFit I'm still brand new to some of these skills!  The other accomplishment was increasing my press max to 42 kg (92.4 lbs).  Still not to the 95 lb -- let alone triple digit -- benchmark, but I'm getting closer.  My workouts since getting back are below:

Team WOD at WCCF

In teams of 4, 1 set of partners works on the first 6-set metcon and the other works on the second 6-set metcon.  Switch during the 5 minute rest.

6 sets each (1 minute on/1 minute off):
3 hang squat cleans (65#)
5 box jumps
- 5 minute rest -
6 sets each (1 minute on/1 minute off):
3 pull ups
6 jumping lunges

Total team reps: 962

Soccer Game

No subs, so this was a good way to try to get my legs back from the long flight.  It seriously takes my muscles a week to get back to normal after those trans-Atlantic flights.

Back to CFC!

Deadlift: 135 x 10, 185 x 5, 225 x 3, 255 x 3, 275 x 1, 295 x 1, 315 x 1, 325 x 1 (stopped there)

3 rounds:
15 hang power clean (95#)
15 burpees

I was tempted to go for more on the deadlift, but I already had a ripped hand from Saturday's workout and didn't want it to re-rip before the metcon.  As it was, I had to tape it up before I started the cleans.  My back and legs still weren't feeling back to 100% either. 

As of the 19th, I'm also in for the Paleo Challenge and am on a team with Scott and Emi.  Yay!  I'll post my food log in the next post.  This one is already too long.